9th Street Elementary School Home

Welcome to the home of the Rockets! 
¡Bienvenidos a la casa de los Rockets!
Students huddle in a circle with excitement as they throw around a \"Baby Yoda\" doll.

About Us

Located in Downtown Los Angeles in between the piñata and the fashion district, Ninth Street ES re-opened the campus in 2013. Fully equipped with an MPR, library, and two dance studios, and state-of-the-art technological equipment that supports 21st Century Skills. 
Ninth Street Elementary is a PALs (Preschool for all Learners) through fifth grade school. With an enrollment of 300 students, the school's ethnicity is 86.45% Latino, 8.41% Black, 0.9% Asian 0.93% White, 1.87%, other 2.34%. 
We work with parents and community members to create a culture of high expectations by meeting regularly. With all educational partners,  they discuss our instructional programs, progress of the school and individual students, as well as expectations of school staff and parents. We celebrate our school community’s diversity with culturally relevant literature, school spirit activities, visual arts and school-wide performing arts culminating performances. 

News & Announcements


LAUSD Champion, Principal Reyes

"Born and raised in South Los Angeles, the oldest of four children and alumni of Jefferson High School. A teacher for 18 years, her heart and soul are rooted right here in Los Angeles Unified."


Feb 25

Early Dismissal @ 1:28pm

Time: 8 AM – 1:28 PM

Parent Meeting (Mondragon)

Time: 8:30 AM – 9 AM

Feb 26

Parent Tech Support

Time: 8:30 AM – 9 AM

Feb 27

Parent Workshop (Ms. Karen)

Time: 7 AM – 7:30 AM
Location: Library

Feb 28

ELAC Meeting

Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
An overlook of the kindergarten play area with the Los Angeles buildings in the distance.

Our Mission

Ninth Street's mission is to ensure that our students graduate ready for the world. We empower them with a high-quality and rigorous college preparatory education that fosters academic excellence, principled character, visionary leadership and a lifelong love of learning.